There are so many out there that do not like meat or have allergies to it and that is okay. In the article below, there are 8 vegetarian foods that have just as much if not more protein than a burger! Check it out!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
13 'Healthy' Foods To Avoid
This article so great and so worth reading. We always think we are eating so well and cutting out bad things when in reality what you are doing might be worse. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dr. Oz shares: The top weight-loss mistakes and how to avoid them.
Dr. oz shares the top weight-loss mistakes and how to avoid them.
1. Drink more water: He suggests drinking 2 8oz glasses of water before ever meal
2. Get Active
3. Try to skip the comfort food in the winter
4. Try to limit alcohol consumption
5. Avoid over snacking on junk food and try snacking on healthy foods
1. Drink more water: He suggests drinking 2 8oz glasses of water before ever meal
2. Get Active
3. Try to skip the comfort food in the winter
4. Try to limit alcohol consumption
5. Avoid over snacking on junk food and try snacking on healthy foods
Friday, September 9, 2011
Lose Weight Around the Clock...
Hi everyone!!
Check out this article. It is such simple information, but so beneficial! Enjoy!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
38 Antiaging Foods...
I came across this article and I thought it was very beneficial and easy to read. We all know the foods that are good for us and the foods that are bad for us, but this is a constant reminder of what we should be eating and why!
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Let’s Move!
This past week I was vacationing with my family at our lake house up North. It was much needed time spent with great family, friends and sunshine! We enjoyed some down time, but we were also very active. Between the wakeboarding, swimming, running and hiking let’s just say I slept very well at night. On one of my hiking/running adventures with my dad, I thought to myself, I am so grateful and so lucky to be able to do these kinds of things. To be able to move, walk, run, swim, etc…. it’s a blessing. There are many that don’t have the capability to do such movements and sometimes I think we take it for granted. So if you are reading this, I ask you, wherever you are, get up and move! Even for 5 minutes… enjoy the day and enjoy the ability to be able to move and maintain a healthy body!
Have you moved today??
This just in…Health Scoop!
One of my favorite magazines to read and indulge in is Women’s Health. There are so many essentials, thoughts, and helpful hints to eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. I came across an article the other day containing countless intriguing facts so I thought I would share!
New Age Rules
You may have inherited your dad’s baby blues or your mom’s lithe legs, but your life span isn’t so predetermined. A new shows that life expectancy has much more to do with your lifestyle than with your parents’ longevity. Researchers tracked 855 subjects and found that being a nonsmoker, having low cholesterol and blood pressure, and exercising on a regular basis are what pushed people into their nineties and beyond.
Heart Check
Someday your doc might be able to suss out your future cardiac risk with a simple blood test. People who tested positive for high levels of a protein called troponin T were much more likely to eventually die of heart complications according to a study published in the journal of the American Medical Association. Soon, women as young as 30 will be able to get their troponin T checked.
Grapefruit Juice
Drinking grapefruit juice first thing in the morning curbs your appetite and keeps it in control for the rest of the day. The natural sugar is a great energy boost for early wakeup calls!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Build a Better Breakfast!
This is a great article about Breakfast, the most important meal of the day that many people skip...
15 minute workout!
Stand up for Flat Abs! Challenge your core with these simple exercises that you can do on your feet. These are great exercises because they are easy on the back, you can do them at the gym or at home, and they are quick and easy!
1. Dumbbell Side bend: Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, arms straight and core engaged. Without twisting your upper body, slowly bend to the left as far as you can go, lowering the weight toward your left knee. Pause, then slowly return to an upright position. Repeat, bending to the right side. That is one rep. do 10!
2. Standing Core Stabilization: Standing with your feet hip-width apart, use both hands to hold a dumbbell straight out in front of your chest, core engaged. Moving your torso slightly, slowly rotate your arms to the left as far as you can. Pause, then rotate to the right. That’s one rep. Do 10!
3. Bow Extension: Hold a dumbbell in both hands above your right shoulder and point your left foot out to the side. In one motion, draw your elbows down to lower the weight as you bend your left knee toward your chest. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 and switch sides.
4. Reverse Dumbbell Chop: Bend your knee, rotate your torso, and hold a dumbbell in both hands outside your left thigh. Keeping your arms straight, swing the weight above your right shoulder as you straighten your legs. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then switch sides and repeat.
Good Luck and Have Fun!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Boost your mood with these foods...
Enjoying decadent stuff isn't the only way to snack away the blues. Many healthy eats do the trick too.
1. Perc up: we've always counted on caffeine as a quick pick-me-up and this is why. A recent study suggests that breakfast paired with 200 milligrams of caffeine improves mood. Aim for no more than 24 ounces a day otherwise that caffeine buzz becomes a bust.
2. Don't worry,"B" happy: a diet that's low in B vitamins can cause mood swings and anxiety. An easy way to make sure you're getting your recommended daily allowance is to eat a bowl of fortified whole grain cereal such as kashi U with 1% milk and a sliced banana every morning.
3. Pick the right protein: foods that are rich in protein are naturally high in tyrosine, an amino acid that helps boost dopamin, the brain's feel good chemical. Go for two servings of fish per week and an egg or some lentils every day to help keep a good mood from going bad.
Happy Monday!
1. Perc up: we've always counted on caffeine as a quick pick-me-up and this is why. A recent study suggests that breakfast paired with 200 milligrams of caffeine improves mood. Aim for no more than 24 ounces a day otherwise that caffeine buzz becomes a bust.
2. Don't worry,"B" happy: a diet that's low in B vitamins can cause mood swings and anxiety. An easy way to make sure you're getting your recommended daily allowance is to eat a bowl of fortified whole grain cereal such as kashi U with 1% milk and a sliced banana every morning.
3. Pick the right protein: foods that are rich in protein are naturally high in tyrosine, an amino acid that helps boost dopamin, the brain's feel good chemical. Go for two servings of fish per week and an egg or some lentils every day to help keep a good mood from going bad.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
15 Ten-Second Health Tips!
Here are 15 Ten-Second Health Tips that I thought you might like!
Monday, May 16, 2011
We did it!

Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy Running!
Almost there, two more days I will have completed my second half marathon. I have been running A LOT and I am definitely sore, but very ready!
I was talking with some friends the other day and we were discussing how hard it can be to find time to work out and together we discovered some great ideas! Here are some things that have worked for me and friends!
1. Plan healthy getaways: Find a 5K or half marathon in a city you have never been and would like to visit. Sign up, run/walk and enjoy the mini vacation.
2. Catch up with friends: Find a friend that you can walk/run with and catching up on each other’s lives will make the workout fly by.
3. Stick to the script: One of my friends signed up for Couch-to-5K at to run her first 5K and she looks great! You start by alternating a minute of jogging with 90 seconds of walking. Nine weeks later, you can run three miles!
Good Luck and happy running!
Monday, May 9, 2011
I am a runner because I run...
As another week passes by so quickly, it's hard to believe I am ready for the race this weekend! I can’t believe it is already here, seven days away. As I mentioned in the last post, I have been running a lot, in no particular training regime, but A LOT. Last Saturday I ran 10 miles and felt okay, but I knew I had to run the full 13.3 miles this weekend to prepare and feel ready to run the race. So, I did! All 13.3 and it felt great.
As Lululemon says, I am a runner because I run. I signed up for this race without any idea of how to properly train for something like this. I just run because I love to run. Some days are better than others and I might run 9 instead of 3, but I just like to move. I love the feeling of running, I love the endorphin rush, the runners high, the feeling of accomplishment when I finish that 13 mile mark, and I love to run. I think that is a great lesson for so many. We get so caught up in having to work out a certain way and have a strict diet, but in reality, we all just need to eat healthy and move. Whether it be running, walking, swimming, or taking a cardio class, we just need to move.
I have six more days to train and then the big day so stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Time to hit the pavement!
After much deliberation, I have decided to run my second half marathon. Last year I ran the Pasadena Half Marathon and finished in just under 2 hours. I didn’t train much. As always, I decided to run a month before the race and stepped up my workouts tremendously. If I go for a jog, it is usually about three miles. So to train for the marathon, I would go for six or nine mile runs to get ready.
This year, I am doing the same! I just signed up and I am ready to hit the pavement. So for now, I am just running, kickboxing, lifting weights and trying to get back into yoga! I will keep you updated on the training process as the marathon is May 15th!
Some thoughts for the day: Lulu Lemon is one of my favorite stores and their bags have the best sayings on them. If you have never been, I thought I would share some of the quotes they put on their clothes and bags!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
20 minutes of daily exercise that can cut sick days in half...
An article from the British Journal of Sports Medicine…
20 minutes of daily exercise that can cut sick days in half… That’s if you’re working out at a moderate intensity or higher for most of your sessions. Plus, when regular exercisers do get ill, their symptoms are 41 percent less severe than those of their couch-potato counterparts. Researchers say that every time you work out, the circulation of bacteria and virus fighting cells in your body increases and over time that bolsters your immunity against colds!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Health Tip of the Day...
Always Hungry?
Choose foods with protein and fiber to help keep you full longer!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Q & A
If cooking vegetables lowers their nutritional value, should we only eat them raw?
Is it more beneficial to run on a treadmill or outside?
What types of chocolate is healthiest?
While boiling veggies for just five minutes may cause them to lose 50 percent of their essential vitamins, you do not necessarily have to eat them raw. Try steaming them which won’t leach out all of their water soluble nutrients.
It is generally better to run or walk outside. Your body has to work harder to overcome wind resistance and you are more likely to come across uneven terrain.
The most nutritious chocolate is bittersweet, so choose a bar that’s at least 70 percent cacao. A 100-calorie serving (about a 2 inch square) a day can lower blood pressure and improve circulation!
Have a Question?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Juice it up!
Did you know that a glass of 100 percent fruit juice counts toward your RDA of two to four servings of fruit? And people who regularly drink pure fruit juice consume higher levels of several key nutrients that are vital to good health including: potassium, magnesium, folate, and iron than those who don't. Juice is high in sugar, so limit yourself to eight ounces a day!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Muscle Confusion!
Check out this article from Yahoo Health, Muscle Confusion. Enjoy!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Last minute tips...
As we come to an end of the jump start to a better self, here are some last tips on how to detox your mind, reshape your routine, and boost your mental energy!
· Try to cut out some media time: Cut back on TV and surfing the web.
· Move your sleep back ten minutes a night for 6 nights and you will have added a much needed hour of sleep to your schedule.
· Avoid office gossip.
· Spend time on activities that engage and de-stresses you.
· When you get annoyed, focus on something you are grateful for.
· Rethink your to-do list and spend more energy and attention to what matters most.
· Visualize yourself doing what you love.
· Set a date to spend time with a friend who energizes you.
· At the end of the day, reflect on what you accomplished, not on what you should have done.
Hopefully you have enjoyed the journey to becoming a better you and take the time in actuality to attempt and accomplish some of these helpful tips. Good Luck!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A New YOU!
Today is all about a new You! After going through detox, setting a foundation for good health and fitness and taking it to the next level, you probably feel pretty exceptional right now. This part is all about the healthy habits that you are going to create for now and beyond. You have cleansed and cut back and now your goal is to increase your plant to animal ratio, about eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Things to avoid: Hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives, FOREVER!
For your diet: Try adding more fish and veggies to your meals. If you are going to make pasta, add things like almonds, parsley and lemon to spice it up. Another great thing to do as we head into spring and summer is grilling. Try grilling chicken or fish skewers and throw some mushrooms and zucchini on the grill. Top it with some extra virgin oil and mint, all over a bed of brown rice and you have one complete meal all on the grill!
For Fitness: Push yourself! Start to challenge yourself into full body work outs. Also, intensify your walk and running routines. Add more days, more time and more power!
Tomorrow is all about tips to detox your mind, reshape your routine, and boost your mental energy! By the end of this week you will have: cut out processed foods, added an hour of sleep, completed a mind and body detox, transitioned a walk to a run, added healthy flavors to your meals, and re-energized yourself! Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today is all about Momentum. Now that you have detoxed and set a foundation for yourself, it’s time to take things up a notch. Since you have changed your diet and removed all the junk out of your system, you are going to have much more energy than you think. This part is all about consistency.
Start to intensify your workout. Add in push ups and more weight training. Add in squat jumps and squat twists. For cardio, add intensity by doing jumping jacks, side shuffle and high knees through cones or even just in square. Make it fun for yourself. Set up circuits and spend about 1-2 minutes at each and then rotate. For example, set up 4 stations: 1. Upper body can be as simple as push ups 2. Core can be plank or sit ups 3. Lower body can be lunges or squats 4. Can be cardio and you can jump rope or do jumping jack. The beauty of this that you can add as many as you want, perform whatever exercises you feel a need for and you can spend as much time at each station as you want.

Good Luck!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today is all about Foundation. In my opinion this is the most difficult. We all try new diets and exercises and for a few weeks this is innovative and stimulating and we start to see changes. But what happens to most is relapse occurs. Once you have completed a few days of detox, it is time to start building a foundation that becomes part of your everyday existence.
Stick with the five to six small meals and switch to traditional eating habits. Add in gradually what you gave up in detox. For example, start to slowly add in wheat and dairy. A small portion of this is recommended since you have not eaten any for a few days. Still remember to avoid added sugar, alcohol and processed foods/beverages. This is the time to reshape your routine into something that works for YOU. You can read every book and every magazine out there to get ideas, but really the only thing that is going to work is you taking the time to set a schedule, plan healthy meals that you enjoy, add a little exercise, and get moving.
Building Strength. For your body, it is time to move. Try starting with something small. Walk three times a week for 30 minutes. This can be your foundation that you build on. Every week add a day or add ten minutes to the work out. Also, add in exercises you can do at home. If you have a pair of weights, try exercises for you upper body, bicep curls etc. Other simple exercises to do from home are lunges or squats. Core exercises such as plank, boat and regular old sit ups are all important and easy to do from home. All of these can be done right in your living room watching your favorite show. Once again, it is all about what works for you!
Monday, February 21, 2011
This week is all about a better self and tips on how to jump start a year of total mind-body wellness! It’s all about Purify, Foundation, Momentum, and a New You. First, you have to purify and hit the ground running by doing a little detox. This is all about simplicity in what you eat or drink. This is simple: cut out processed foods and common allergens such as added sugar, dairy, caffeine, alcohol. Eat five to six small, veggie based meals for the first few days. For example, try smoothies. Add 2 cups of frozen berries, 1 cup pomegranate juice and 1 cup water. This is a great antioxidant smoothie and only has 130 calories. As for salads, add lots of vegetables, such as mushrooms and carrots and add some black beans and sunflower seeds. Only use simple dressings such as oil and vinegar.

All of these suggestions are just for the first couple of days. As you begin to detox and set a regime for a better self, you will start to turn healthy choices into habits.
Happy Monday!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Salt Substitute: Shake the Habit
Check out this great article from Women's Health Magazine!
I think you will find it very interesting!
I think you will find it very interesting!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Setting Goals!
Sometimes in life we get so carried away with everyday chores and the chaos that comes along with it. Whether it is work, kids, our loved ones, or the events you have to attend week after week, we lose sight of things that are important to us.
Now we all know that it takes eating right and exercising regularly to drop pounds, but sometimes it is easier said than done. We can be our own worst enemy sometimes, not believing in ourselves to reach these goals. I was thinking the other day about how to make this a little easier by following a few simple steps…
1. Get Visual: If you do not have a clear image of what you want to achieve, it is going to be harder to be successful. Close your eyes, visualize, and see what you want to achieve whether it is reaching your ideal weight or seeing yourself exercise 3 days a week. Every time you do this you will become more and more convinced that it is possible.
2. Be Positive: If you are always down on yourself and believing that you will never lose weight or will never reach your goal weight then you won’t. Every time something negative pops into your head change it with something positive!
3. Write it down: It is so easy to dwell on disappointment or only pay attention to things in your life that are going wrong. Change this by writing down things that make you happy and what you are grateful for. Once you see what you are blessed with and joyful for, you will start to feel empowered to go after what you what in life!
~Stay tuned for next week… Jump Start to a Better Self! I have tips, suggestions and helpful thoughts to detox your mind, body and soul from your post holiday stupor and into a whole body action plan that will be useful all year long!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Quick and Healthy Recipe Ideas!!

First, I preheated the oven to 375 degrees. I put the ground turkey (about ½ pound for two people) in a bowl and added a bunch of spices to intensify the flavors. I added lemon pepper, season salt, red pepper flakes (if you like a little spice to your food) and a pinch of bread crumbs. I mixed that altogether and formed two patties. Meanwhile, I heated up about a tablespoon of olive oil in a medium sized pan. I added a clove of garlic, chopped into tiny pieces and sautéed for about two minutes. Then I added the patties and cooked them for about three minutes each side to create a golden brown crust. I transferred the patties into a baking dish, put a slice of tomato on top and topped that with about a tablespoon of grated aged white cheddar cheese. I baked that for about 8-10 minutes or until cooked throughout.
I also put 8 asparagus in a baking dish with olive oil, lemon juice and lemon zest and baked these for about 20 minutes.
You can also make whole wheat pasta topped with a little olive oil and lemon zest and this is a complete meal. The whole meal takes about 20 minutes to make and it is SO delicious and healthy! Enjoy!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Healthful Living!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Eat when you are Hungry...
After a weekend of great family and friends, food and a change of scenery, I thought long and hard about my daily habits and workout routines and what works for me might not work for others. I was talking to a friend about the lunch hour at work and how that can affect your whole day if not executed correctly. Many of us get caught up in the usual lunch time with the colleagues, but I have found that eating with everyone is not always the best. If everybody is eating at 1:00 pm and you are forcing yourself to eat at that time or starving yourself by waiting until that time, your body is not going to respond well. You should eat when you’re hungry, not when others are hungry.
Another reason for eating when not hungry is an attempt to change our feelings. When we feel stressed, anxious, angry, sad, happy, bored, or basically anything we don’t like, we reach for food to make us feel better. For a moment, while eating, it works and we feel good, but after finishing we may feel guilt or anger with ourselves for consuming what we did. This can lead to a cycle of seeking out food for comfort, followed by negative feelings, followed by seeking out more food to bring us up again. We aren’t eating to salve hunger pangs, we are instead trying to change our emotions.
So try this… if you are feeling stressed, anxious or sad, try exercising instead of eating. You can take a walk, try a new class at the gym or even find a friend to go on hike with. The endorphins you get while exercising are far more healthy and enjoyable than eating yourself into self pity. As for the lunch hour at work, bring your own lunch and eat it when you are hungry. Try packing it at night so you do not feel rushed. I pack turkey, bread, some veggies, a lot of fruit, and maybe a yogurt or granola bar. You can use your left over whole grain pasta from the night before and add different vegetables that you desire, a little salad dressing and pack it up for the next day. There are many options you can choose from to make your life a little easier and a lot healthier!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Daily Dose of Fiber!
One of my favorite things to eat for breakfast is Oatmeal which got me thinking…. Oatmeal is high in fiber, but what else do I eat that is high in fiber? Consuming enough fiber in your daily diet is very important for many reasons.
Dietary fiber is the indigestible material in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and most whole grains. Unlike the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, and carbohydrates found in these foods, fiber is not broken down and absorbed by the body,but passes through the digestive system unchanged, and helps the body eliminate waste products. The FDA recommends an intake of 11.5 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories, or 25 grams per day for a 2,500-calorie diet. While that may sound like a lot, people can usually meet this daily requirement by eating several servings of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dried beans a day.
Some foods that contain fiber are: Whole wheat bread and pasta, bran cereal, oats, brown rice, apple with the skin, blueberries, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, pears, strawberries, raspberries, avocado, cabbage, carrots, corn, green beans, kale, sweet potatoes, almonds, black beans, flax seed, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans, and walnuts.
Here are a few reasons why we should eat fiber every day.
1. Weight loss, because foods high in fiber are more filling and satisfy hunger longer,
and because fiber contains little to no calories.
2. Balanced blood sugar levels and reduced risk of diabetes.
3. Prevent Cancer. High fiber intake has been shown to prevent cancer, mainly due to promoting regularity, which in turn keeps your digestive system healthy and frequently moving.
4. Lower cholesterol levels and reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Challenge yourself! Pick two new foods that are high in fiber that you don’t normally eat daily and add them to your diet! Good luck!
Monday, January 10, 2011
It’s time to get rolling...

"'s essential to keep an open mind, and to be willing…better yet, eager…to try new things."
Monday, January 3, 2011
What's in your gym bag?
When I am running out the door in the morning, the last thing I am thinking about is my workout in the afternoon and if I am fully prepared for what I am going to do. In my opinion, having my gym bag fully stocked and ready to go makes my life so much easier and I am never without the essentials for my workout. Here are some great items for your gym bag that you should never leave home without...

2. As for shoes, Mizuno wave rider running shoes are crucial for my gym bag! They are great for running and last a long time before they start to wear away.
3. Also, I always carry Clif bars or some sort of fruit in case I don't get to eat before I workout and water! Always carry at least two bottles with you because you never know where you are going to be or if the gym runs out.
4. Now, for your workout, always be prepared with the right equipment. I always have my yoga mat, a stop watch, and heart rate monitor depending on what type of exercise I am going to engage in that day.
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