Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Time to hit the pavement!

After much deliberation, I have decided to run my second half marathon.  Last year I ran the Pasadena Half Marathon and finished in just under 2 hours.  I didn’t train much.  As always, I decided to run a month before the race and stepped up my workouts tremendously.  If I go for a jog, it is usually about three miles.  So to train for the marathon, I would go for six or nine mile runs to get ready. 
This year, I am doing the same! I just signed up and I am ready to hit the pavement.  So for now, I am just running, kickboxing, lifting weights and trying to get back into yoga! I will keep you updated on the training process as the marathon is May 15th!
Some thoughts for the day:  Lulu Lemon is one of my favorite stores and their bags have the best sayings on them.  If you have never been, I thought I would share some of the quotes they put on their clothes and bags!   

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

20 minutes of daily exercise that can cut sick days in half...

An article from the British Journal of Sports Medicine…
20 minutes of daily exercise that can cut sick days in half… That’s if you’re working out at a moderate intensity or higher for most of your sessions.  Plus, when regular exercisers do get ill, their symptoms are 41 percent less severe than those of their couch-potato counterparts.  Researchers say that every time you work out, the circulation of bacteria and virus fighting cells in your body increases and over time that bolsters your immunity against colds!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Health Tip of the Day...

Always Hungry?
Choose foods with protein and fiber to help keep you full longer!