We did it!
Well we DID IT!! Early morning, pouring rain and wind, 13.1 miles completed. My dad and I arrived at 5:45 am to the starting line just to observe the people and all the festivities going on. Considering the weather and how cold it was, we warmed up and ran for the 30 minutes we had until start time. Finally, lined up, listened to the National Anthem, and started running. We had a great pace going and felt pretty good. Then mile 4 hit and so did the rain. Pouring raining the whole time until just about the finish line it stopped. What an experience as I looked over to my dad soaking wet and we just laughed. We stopped for water about mile 8 and from then on kept running. As we enter the finish line, we were greeted by family and what a good feeling that was! Thank you for all the love and support from my readers and stay tuned…. Next stop… Marathon!
Way to go!