Monday, February 21, 2011


This week is all about a better self and tips on how to jump start a year of total mind-body wellness!  It’s all about Purify, Foundation, Momentum, and a New You.  First, you have to purify and hit the ground running by doing a little detox.  This is all about simplicity in what you eat or drink.  This is simple: cut out processed foods and common allergens such as added sugar, dairy, caffeine, alcohol.  Eat five to six small, veggie based meals for the first few days.  For example, try smoothies.  Add 2 cups of frozen berries, 1 cup pomegranate juice and 1 cup water.  This is a great antioxidant smoothie and only has 130 calories.  As for salads, add lots of vegetables, such as mushrooms and carrots and add some black beans and sunflower seeds.  Only use simple dressings such as oil and vinegar. 
As for the body.  Release some of the tension from the day and make time for some yoga and back stretches.  Instead of sitting on couch all night, try these moves.  The forward bend: lean over as if you were to hang and touch your toes.  Grab both elbows and hang there for about 5 breathes and then roll up, do this 3-4 times.  Cat/Cow: Get on all fours, with hands below the shoulders and knees under the hips.  Exhale and round your back pressing navel toward the spine.  Then arch your back as you inhale, about 6-8 times. 
All of these suggestions are just for the first couple of days.  As you begin to detox and set a regime for a better self, you will start to turn healthy choices into habits.
Happy Monday!!

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