Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Go Green!!

One of my most desired and healthy forms of caffeine is green tea.  Green tea comes from the same plant (Camellia sinensis) as black tea, but the difference is in the processing. Green tea is dried, but not fermented. The shorter processing gives green tea a lighter flavor than black tea. It also helps keep all the beneficial chemicals intact, which is why green tea is so good for you. The most important selling facts behind green tea's ever growing popularity are its antioxidants. Polyphenols and tannins promote good health by helping in the fight against damage to cell structures which can be responsible for cancer and other illnesses such as colds and the flu. 
Here are five benefits of green tea:
  • Raise metabolism and burn fat
  • Can help with treatment for type 1 diabetes
  • Can stop development of cancer cell
  • Lower LDL levels (bad cholesterol)
  • Lower blood pressure
Now I know green tea is not always the best tasting, but try adding cinnamon, cloves, honey or lemon to it and it will taste much better.  One of my favorites is Yogi Tea: Green Tea Energy which contains little to no calories.  You can go to a coffee house and get a latte or coffee drink and it can be more than 300 calories.  Not only is green tea a great way to speed up your metabolism and burn calories, but it is also excellent for your health.  Have fun and be healthy by going green!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Find Your Motivation...

We all tend to slack off and make excuses for not working, too tired, too much to do, getting ready for the holidays, but it does not have to be like that.  I love to work out and it is always part of my daily routine, but I know for most this is uncommon.  I was reading Women’s Health the other day and found a great article, “Find Your Motivation”.  Basically, it captured all the excuses we find not to get up and move and ways to help. 

Here are some great tips to get up off the couch and jump-start your workout mojo!
1.      Make a commitment contract:  One idea was to make a friendly wager among coworkers and/or friends.  Everyone puts in a certain amount of money and whoever logs the most workout sessions over three months wins the pot.  Also, sign up for a walk a thon or a 5K.  This makes you stay committed because you have signed up and are probably asking for donations. 
2.      Line up Reinforcements:  Did you know that 80 percent of people say they are more likely to work out if they have a partner?  Find a friend to work out with.  Whether it be to meet up every morning for a brisk walk or to meet a friend at the gym or even entering a race with a friend, you are more likely to complete the work out if you have company. 
3.      Make it personal: Bottom line… It’s about finding what you really enjoy and what gets you going.  Try as many classes, running paths, and exercise machines as you can. Somewhere between swimming and spinning, you will find the workout routine that works for you.   Actually liking your workout makes it that much easier to invest in it. 
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vitamins, Minerals, & Supplements, OH MY!!

We all know that we should take a multivitamin every day… but do we?  When it comes to obtaining nutrients your body needs, your best possible source is food, especially fruits and vegetables.  But certain circumstances may prevent you from eating optimally every day. For example, a person who hates fruits and vegetables might not get enough vitamin C and someone who refuses to eat dairy products will frequently need extra calcium.
Taking a daily multivitamin is an inexpensive and easy way to be sure you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need. A few individual dietary supplements have been shown to have positive benefits for your health too.  Personally, I take a One A Day Women’s multivitamin, multimineral, supplement and Juice Plus+ every day.  What is Juice Plus+ you ask??
Juice Plus+ is a whole food based nutritional product containing a wide variety of naturally occurring nutrients including antioxidants and other phytonutrients from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains in powdered concentrate form.  No, Juice Plus+ should never replace a diet filled with a wide and colorful variety of fruits and vegetables. It is a convenient way for people to get even more of the whole food based nutrition from fruits and vegetables that is so important to a healthy diet and so lacking in our diets today.  Juice Plus+ is made from fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables are juiced, and the juices are then concentrated into powders using a proprietary drying process that carefully maintains temperatures at levels that preserve as much of the original nutrient quality as possible.  Check them out at www.juiceplus.com
Clearly, eating an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, fish and poultry, and low fat dairy products is the best way to get your daily dose of vitamins and nutrients to ward off illness and to keep your body functioning properly.  But taking a multivitamin daily is a great backup plan!
Workout song of the week: " Raise Your Glass" by P!nk

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stay Fit during the Holiday Season...

During the holiday season, it is hard to stay in shape and keep off the extra pounds. That is probably why so many people head to the gym as part of their New Year's resolutions! With holiday parties to go to and special goodies lying around the office, it is hard for even the most dedicated health nut to avoid the extra calories that tend to rack up during this time of year. However, you can stay a step ahead of the crowd if you just follow these simple tips…

1.      Keep walking. It's tempting to ditch your workouts as your days fill up with holiday preparations, parties and errands, but now more than ever, you need to stay active. Exercise will help you deal with added stress and give you energy for everything you need to accomplish. It will also help you manage your weight through the maze of parties and gatherings you'll be attending. The holiday season is a great time to get in your extra walking miles. Instead of trying to find the closest parking space, head to the back of the parking lot and use that as an opportunity to walk away some of those extra pounds!
2.      Make it a family affair. As you get together with your family, plan active things to do. Walk around the neighborhood to look at holiday decorations. Play football before the big meal at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Plan contests with the kids to see who can run the farthest or who can do the most push-ups.  Take a pre-dinner walk with the family or the dog. Go to the park and play ball.
3.      Stay hydrated. During the holidays, it is easy to consume more alcohol and other caloric beverages than usual. Drink a lot of water and limit the amount of liquor you drink. Remember that alcohol has almost as many calories per gram as fat. When you drink water during the day, it will suppress your appetite so you can eat less at a party.
4.      Eat Before You Go. Rules to live by: never go grocery shopping while hungry, and similarly, never hit a holiday party on an empty stomach. You'll be less tempted to overindulge if your belly's full of something healthy.
5.      Choose One Treat. Once at the party, choose one thing to indulge in and make it good. Pick something you only get during the holidays while still keeping in mind, moderation.
6.      Don't Skip Meals. It's tempting to skip meals to make up for whatever nightmare food you'll eat later, but just like the empty-stomach rule, if you're starving, your rational mind will be unavailable for healthy food choices. Eat small meals all day to avoid going nuts at the buffet table.
However you deal with the holidays, make this the year that you don't gain extra weight. Make a decision to do everything you can to stay active and eat healthy while not depriving yourself of all the fun. Like everything else in life, it's all about moderation. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Breakfast Every Morning..

Eating a good breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. A healthy breakfast should contain some protein and some fiber. Protein can come from low fat meats, eggs, beans or dairy. Fiber can be found in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. A good example of a healthy breakfast might be something simple like a hard boiled egg, an orange, and a bowl of whole grain cereal with low fat milk. Stay away from the sugary cereals, syrups, pastries, and white breads because they are digested quickly and will leave you hungry and tired in a couple of hours. Protein and fiber satisfy your hunger and will keep you feeling full until lunch time.
Now, if you really don't like to eat breakfast, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Eat a hard boiled egg at home, and an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts.

Remember that eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to start off your day. Notice how much better you feel through the morning and the rest of the day when you don't skip breakfast!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Balls, Balls, Balls...

Do you ever feel like gym memberships or workout classes are too expensive?  One of my favorite workouts is one that I can do in my own home and only involves one piece of equipment, a medicine ball.  Medicine balls can be used by anyone looking to excel in sports, lose weight, or for general fitness.  The most brilliant thing is that you can involve a partner or simply use a solid, sturdy wall.  Here are five great benefits of a medicine ball workout:

1. Cheap: You do not need to purchase expensive or complicated equipment for a great workout. Medicine balls are available for less than 35 dollars. You cannot find many other pieces of gym equipment cheaper that will provide as much versatility.
2.  Versatility: The key to a good workout is variety. There are hundreds of medicine ball exercises to explore. Because the balls are portable you can workout at home, the beach, outdoors, or on the road. Exercises can be tailored for specific sports or to target specific muscle groups.
3.  Functional Strength: It is one of the most effective tools to train all of the muscle groups in your body.  Over time, your body will learn to become more efficient with full body exercises.
4. Provides Unique Loads on Your Muscles and Increases Hand Eye Coordination: When a medicine ball is thrown to you or by you, the path it travels is never exactly the same. Therefore, you catch it at a different place every time. You use different muscle groups to balance your body and control the ball for each catch. This trains your body to react faster to catch and control the load.
5.  Combined Cardiovascular and Strength Training: Who has hours and hours to work out? I like using efficient gym equipment that lets me shorten my workouts. Medicine ball workouts done properly will have your heart pounding out of your chest and highly fatigued muscles. You will increase your cardiovascular capacity, build strength, and improve muscle stamina all at once.
Try these fabulous, efficient works out ideas:
·         Lunge with Overhead Press
Works: Abs, butt, hips, legs, shoulders, and arms
·         Standing Lift
Works: Abs, shoulders, and arms
How to Do It: Stand up straight with feet apart, left foot forward. Hold a medicine ball with both hands directly in front of you, close to your body. Without moving your core, slowly rotate your arms to the right so the ball is low and to the side of your right hip. Then, slowly rotate your arms up and across your body while keeping torso and hips still. Hold the ball above your left shoulder for a moment before bringing the ball back down to the side of your right hip. Do 10 to 12 reps on that side, then repeat the move to the opposite direction with your right foot forward. Complete two sets.

·         Seated Medicine Ball Trunk Rotations
Works: Abs and arms
How to Do It: Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet together, and heels on the floor while holding a medicine ball close to your body. Keep your back straight and upright. Rotate your torso to one side, keeping the ball close to you. Pause briefly and turn to the other side. Do 2 sets of 8 to 12 reps.
·         Russian Twist (Sitting in a V-position)
To begin: sit on the ground with your knees bent to form a V, hold the medicine ball on one side, and slightly recline your back to about 45 degrees, then twist from one side to the other while hold the medicine ball. This works great for your obliques as well as your abs. To make this work out more effective, lean back more to increase resistance.  I like to do 2 sets of 30 and then go into the next workout.

Also, try climbing stairs while holding the med ball. Not only will you be increasing difficulty and working out your upper body for a full body routine. Step Up Your workouts!
Work out song of the Week, "Bulletproof by La Roux"
Happy Monday!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Diet Smarter, not Harder..

When you hear the word diet, what is the first thing you think of?  The act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)?  Eating sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight? 

I am sure for many of you out there, there have been many diet attempts.  Whether it is the “carbohydrate only” diet, the “protein only” diet, or even the “water and cayenne pepper” diet, most have tried to “diet” in some way or another.  And I am sure for many of you out there, most of them do not end well. 

Our society puts so much enfaces on dieting and we are so consumed by looking thin that there is no room for living a healthy life with a balance of eating right and exercising.  I have always liked working out, but I also LOVE to eat.  There has to be a balance of wellness to be able to live a healthy life and enjoy it at the same time.  Here are some diet basics to think about that will help you throughout your everyday, busy life.

  • Meal Schedule:  Eat when you are hungry, not famished.
  • Plate size: 9 inches, not the normal 13 inch plate.
  • Foods to eat daily: 9 handfuls of fruits and vegetables, at least 1 ounce of nuts and whole grains and cereals that contain fiber.
  • Foods to eat at least 3 times a week:  Most types of fish.
  • Foods to avoid: Processed foods that contain tran and saturated fats, white foods such as white rice, white bread, and products containing high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Drink daily: 64 ounces of water, 2 glasses of milk (Low-fat or skim) and 1 glass of wine.
  • To take daily: 1 multivitamin.
If you were to follow these few simple rules, there would be no time to fill your body with dreadful foods. 

Happy Weekend!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


One of my favorite things in the morning is to go for a long run or have an intense work out.  But I was never hungry after and needed to supply my body with protein and nutrients. 

So I decided to start making my own protein shakes with a variety of fruits and vegetables, different types of fruit juice and, of course, a great protein powder.  So I went in search of a protein powder that was beneficial for all different types of needs.  And, finally, I found one!  The company is called Vega and it is a vegan, gluten free protein powder that includes plant-based whole foods that are the true future of optimal health.  Included are raw, alkalinizing foods that are the best defense against illness and disease.  I started buying the berry flavor powder and every morning I would add a scoop to assorted frozen fruits and juices and I would be energized for the day. 

In all of my smoothies I add foods that are skin-healthy antioxidants, ones that combat heart disease and cancer and fight premature aging.  Here are some ideas for great, healthy smoothies!

Add about a cup of frozen fruit: Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches, or a mixture of these to your blender.  Add a banana, one scoop of Vega protein powder, and about a cup or two of fruit juice, orange juice, apple juice, or pomegranate juice.  Mix it altogether and you have one great post workout/ breakfast meal.  Enjoy!

"Workout song of week: Little Secrets by Passion Pit"

Happy Monday!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Push out of your confort zone...

Do you ever feel like you are not making progress in your every day fitness routines?  We get so caught up in our everyday activities, wake up, go to work, go to the gym, come home and relax, it is the same every day.  This week, try to change up your normal workout routine and do something different.  Whether you are running, biking, or taking a kick boxing class, change it up and go for hike or try circuit training.  On an effort scale of 1 to 10, if you feel comfortable at a 6, try to rev it up to an 8 for a minute and take it back down to a 6.  Try this with your new workout and make your way up to a 10 for one minute intervals.
“Determination is the willingness to learn and try again in the face of adversity”
Workout song of the week: Dog days are over by Florence + The Machine

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome to a day and the life of a fitness lover...

Welcome to the diaries of a fitness guru!  Since I can remember, I have been involved in sports and exercise and loved every minute of it.  From soccer to track to wakeboarding and hiking, I love it all.  I have continued my love for fitness in starting my own business and sharing my love for health and wellness with children.  But I have many adult friends that ask for advice and want innovative, enjoyable and motivating ideas for health and fitness and I have decided to help!  This is a passion of mine and I have decided to start posting ideas and thoughts that can help many of you out there.  So, welcome and enjoy the ride!  More to come soon!